For Classkick pro schools and districts, we now support grade pass back to any LMS or gradebook - Your teachers can now export grades from Classkick into their grade book automatically.
To enable this feature:
- Navigate to and complete Edlink’s Classkick district onboarding at:
Also available is the Edlink onboarding guide for more Edlink specific information.
As an important note on access: Classkick works very hard to ensure Edlink only syncs the people and classes needed to pass back grades. We automatically filter out teachers and students that are not active within Classkick. We encourage you to grant full access to your LMS/SIS if you’d like to receive fewer of these invitations in the future.
As an important note on security & privacy: We are only storing user and class IDs within Classkick, no PII. Classkick is 1EdTech certified and Edlink is a trusted partner fully compliant with SOC2 (learn more here).
Let us know if you have any questions or need any assistance on enabling grade pass back for your teachers.
Happy grading ⭐️