In order to receive a Quote for Classkick Pro, please visit our order page here. You can customize whether you are purchasing for an individual teacher, school, or even a district. Please see below for information on the different types of licenses.
1) School site license
1. Click on our order page.
2. Under School, click GET INSTANT QUOTE.
2) District site license
1. Click on our order page.
2. Under District, select the number of schools in your district.
PLEASE NOTE: This quote is best if purchasing for multiple schools within a district. If purchasing for just one school, please use the School quote option, which will provide a faster setup and activation.
3) Pro teacher license
1. Click on our order page.
2. Under Teacher, click BUY W/ CREDIT CARD or BUY W/ P.O.
PLEASE NOTE: Process your quote by following the directions on the quote page. There are details on how to pay with a credit card as well as how to submit a purchase order.
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