In the Assign section of your assignment, there are several toggles that you can turn on and off.
PLEASE NOTE: If the toggle for a feature is green, that means the feature is turned on. If the toggle is gray, the feature is turned off.
1) Points
Toggle Points on to allow students to see their grades/score and whether they answered correctly. Otherwise, toggle Points off.
PLEASE NOTE: If the feature is on, students can continue to change their answer until they see that the answer is correct. If you do not want students to do this, toggle Grades off. For more information on our auto-grading features, check out this article.
2) Helpers
Toggle Helpers on to allow student collaboration.
When a student on your roster raises their hand, another student on the roster can jump into their assignment and help that student. Check out this article to learn more about our Peer Helpers feature.
3) Hide
Toggle Hide on if you do not want students to see an assignment. Please note that this feature is NOT immediate.
Students must exit the assignment in order for it to be hidden. Students will have access to the assignment until they exit.
There is no official way to hide particular slides from student's view. However, you are able to upload images using the camera tool to cover up slides in Classkick. You can remove the image in real-time when you are ready for students to view the additional slides.
Please watch the video below for visual help on hiding slides in assignments.
PLEASE NOTE: There is currently not a way to hide slides for individual students. However, just as you are able to provide feedback for particular students and not others, you can do the same with uploading images to hide content on some slides for those particular students.
4) Lock
Toggle Lock on for students to view an assignment, but not make any changes on it. This feature is immediate, meaning that as soon as it is turned on, students will no longer be able to edit their work.
5) PDFs
We’re excited to announce teachers can now control whether or not students can export their work to PDF!
Sometimes, teachers do not want students to export an assignment with their work. Toggling the feature OFF (gray) means students CANNOT export work to PDF. Toggling the feature ON (green) means students CAN export their work to PDF.
For iOS:
Click here for a printable PDF with information on how to create an assignment.