In order to fit your needs, you can change your Pro subscription plan from monthly to annual or vice versa.
Perhaps you already have a paid subscription and your school or district just upgraded to a Pro account. We can support you through that. Or maybe you are in need of a refund because your district went Pro and you were paying out of pocket.
Click on each heading to expand for more information on the topics listed above.
1) How do I Change Pro Subscription Plan?
Follow the steps below to switch your subscription from annual to monthly or vice versa.
1. Click on Profile then Plan.
2. Click CANCEL PRO (please see screenshot below).
3. Wait for your monthly or annual subscription to expire first.
4. Once your subscription expires, you will see an option to UPGRADE again. Choose from the monthly or annual options (please see screenshot below).
PLEASE NOTE You do not lose anything such as assignments and student work during this lapse.
2) How Do I Switch from an Individual Pro Teacher Subscription to a Pro School Subscription
1. Join your school's correct organization in order to join the plan.
- Please see this help center article for information on how to join your school's organization.
2. CANCEL PRO under the Profile tab and Plan so that you do not continue to get charged on your individual plan.
3. If you are a teacher who already has a Pro account, click here for a PDF containing interactive hyperlinks on how to join your school’s Pro subscription!
3) How do I switch from a School Org to an Individual Subscription?
If you are a teacher who is leaving a Pro school or Pro district and are interested in purchasing a Pro individual subscription, please follow the steps below.
1. Click on Profile then Organization.
2. Click LEAVE ORGANIZATION then UPGRADE (please see screenshot below).
3. Choose an annual plan or monthly plan.
4) How Do I Get a Refund?
If you have questions about refunds, please check out our refund policy here. If you qualify for a refund, please reach out to to request a refund. Make sure to include the email that your Classkick account is under.
PLEASE NOTE: If you switch plans, you may have some issues editing or accessing student profiles. If this happens, please reach out to