There are so many great Classkick Pro features you can start utilizing! Click on the headings below for more information.
If you are a Pro School member, please see this document for detailed directions on how to get started!
1) Set up Student Portfolio Accounts
If you're transitioning from a Basic subscription to Pro, Classkick recommends that you create a new roster to differentiate between students' Basic accounts and their new Portfolio accounts. Portfolio accounts are password protected and allow students to access work on their dashboard.
Please see this article for information on how to create a roster with Portfolio student accounts.
PLEASE NOTE: There is NOT currently a way to MERGE students' Basic accounts with their Portfolio accounts.
If you do NOT want to have different rosters and would rather delete the old roster, students and teachers can export student work to PDF's as a way to save the student work.
Once a roster is deleted, you will no longer be able to access or recover the students' work.
We highly recommend creating a new roster to prevent students from accidentally accessing an assignment using their Basic login. Creating a new roster with ONLY Portfolio students and then locking the roster will help ensure students log in correctly.
2) Lock your Rosters
Once ALL students have joined your roster, Classkick recommends locking the roster to prevent multiple student names or duplicate accounts on one roster.
3) Remind Students to Log In
Students should click LOG IN on the Classkick login page to log in with their Portfolio accounts. They will NOT need class codes anymore. Share this article with students for visual directions on how to log in.
4) Explore Pro Features!
Explore all the different Pro features and try them out!
Check out this PDF on Pro features and steps on how to get set up.