1. Click https://app.classkick.com/#/account/login
3. You will receive an email with further instructions of how to reset your password.
If the reset link is not working, please copy and paste the link and make sure to be using a Google Chrome browser.PLEASE NOTE: Teachers will often receive this reset email because students have forgotten their password and accidentally enter in their teachers' emails instead of their own.
1. Click Rosters.
2. Click the roster that the student is on.
3. Click the pencil icon next to the student's name.
4. Click RESET PASSWORD to generate a new password for the student.
To change your password after logging in,
1. Click Profile > Information.
2. Under Update Password, type your current password in the Current Password box and your new password in the New Password box.
If you use Google or Clever auth, you can still add a password to your account as a secondary login method.
In order to add a password, after logging in,
1. Click Profile > Information.
2. Under Add Password, enter a new password in the Password box and click ADD PASSWORD.
If you are having any issues adding a password, we can assist you. Please email support@classkick.com for more help.