When you are editing an assignment, you can use the multiple choice tool to give your students the ability to select the correct answer!
Click on each heading for more information.
1) Add a multiple choice question to your assignment
- Click the Add Multiple Choice icon.
- Select the correct answer (ABCDE).
- Add a point value (optioinal).
Additional Options
1. Click on the trash can to DELETE an answer option (ie you only want students to select between two responses and do not need answer choices A-E).
2. Click on + ADD CHOICE to re-add an answer option.
PLEASE NOTE the following:
- You will have to create a text box or write with the pen in order to feature the question and answers (see screenshots below for a visual example). Think of our multiple-choice tool as just the scantron portion for students to choose an answer on.
- In order for students to be able to select an answer, they MUST be on the SELECTOR TOOL and not any other tool.
- Once the multiple choice button is added to the slide, it cannot be edited/changed. Please ensure that you select the correct answer with the correct point value before publishing.
2) See real time answers
View students' answers to individual multiple choice questions and their total number of points on an individual slide.
In the View Work tab, view students' points per individual slide and total points per assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: To let students see their score, toggle on Grades under the Assign tab. See this article for more information on the Grades feature.
Please also note that students can change their answer - regardless of whether the Grades feature is turned on or not.
Check out this article written for students about how the Grades feature works for them.
3) Check out the video below for more information on multiple choice!