Check out some of the Student FAQs below! If you have a question that was not answered, please email
Click on each heading for more information.
1) How Do I Raise My Hand in Classkick?
At the top of your assignment on the right, there is a hand icon.
1. Click on the Classkick hand icon.
3. Your teacher will then receive a notification that your hand has been raised!
Yes! Click on the Classkick hand icon and a box will appear. The chat appears at the bottom.
Click on the CHAT WITH TEACHER button or on the text box at the bottom that says Type message here... to send your teacher a message!
(Please see screenshot below.)
Portfolio Students Only:
You can log in and see a notification on your Student Dashboard (see screenshot).
The feedback appears as a green filled oval with the number of feedback that has been left.
Basic and Portfolio Students:
If you are in the assignment, a notification will pop up.
In the top-right corner of your page, the bell icon will have a green filled oval with a number in it! (Please see screenshot below).
Click on the bell to see where your teacher has left you feedback.
4) Can I See My Grades in Classkick?
You can see your grades if your teacher has turned the Grades Feature on!
If your teacher has this off, you cannot see your grades.
Portfolio Students Only:
You can see your total score for the assignment on your Student Dashboard!
Portfolio and Basic Students:
You can see the score for each slide when you click on the slide!