Teachers now have a way to view an individual student’s entire body of work on Classkick for a smoother grading and assessment experience.
The Student Overview dashboard displays the student’s statistics for each assignment they’ve been assigned, including how many slides they have viewed, their grade, and any raised hand notifications. You can order the assignments by each of these categories.
This is currently available on web only and is not available on the iOS app.
To view all work for one student,
1. Click Rosters & Co-Teachers then click the roster you wish to view.
2. Click on the Students tab and then click on a student’s name.
3. The Student Overview dashboard opens.
4. Click the assignment name or type the name of the assignment in the Search bar to view a specific assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: This update may affect some users’ roster colors. We apologize for this inconvenience and are actively working on fixing this issue.
Please watch the video below for a guided visual on how to use the Student Overview feature.
To Print all Work for One Student,
1. Click on the 3 dots in the top-right corner
2. Click on Export Student Work to PDF
3. Select one assignment or select Export All