1) View Work on Classkick Web
Shrink Thumbnails
- Zoom out to see more students at once.
- Limit the content you can see.
- View the colors associated with grades or point values that students receive.
Hide un-started thumbnails
- This filter exists exclusively on Classkick web.
- View where students are in the assignment and what slides they have yet to access. The slides will remain greyed out until a student accesses them.
Hide offline students
- View which students are currently working on the assignment.
- Teacher tip: Use this feature to track which of your students are NOT currently in the Classkick assignment.
Hide students who haven't started this assignment
- View which of your students have begun work on the assignment.
- When toggled on, if you do not see a student's name, that means they have not begun work on the assignment.
Hide students names
- Anonymize your students.
Allow students to download assignment PDF
- Toggle on to allow students to download their own work.
- Toggle off to hide this option for students.
Allow Peer Helpers
- Allow students to collaborate and provide feedback to one another.
- The student receiving help remains anonymous but they do know who helped them. The helper does NOT know who they are helping.
- See this article for more information on Peer Helpers.
Single Question View
- Monitor your class's progress by looking at one slide at a time. For example, if you want to see how all students did on one particular question, use the single question view filter.
1. Click View All Slides.
2. Click the Slide you wish to monitor.
3. View Slide 1 (or slide of your choice) for all your students at once.
2) View Work on the Classkick App (iOS)
Hide offline students
- View which students are currently working on the assignment.
- Teacher tip: Use this feature to track which of your students are NOT currently in the Classkick assignment.
Hide students who haven't started this assignment
- View which of your students have begun work on the assignment.
- When toggled on, if you do not see a student's name, that means they have not begun work on the assignment.
Hide student names
- Anonymize your students.
Allow peer helpers
- Allow students to collaborate and provide feedback to one another.
- The student receiving help remains anonymous but they do know who helped them. The helper does NOT know who they are helping.
- See this article for more information on Peer Helpers.
Show students their grades
- Allow students to see their grades.
Lock assignment
- Locking an assignment will take away students' abilities to make changes to their work on that assignment.
Single Question View (new feature for the Classkick app!)
- Monitor your class's progress by looking at one slide at a time! For example, if you want to see how all students did on one particular question, use the single question view filter.
- Click View All Slides.
- Select the Slide you wish to monitor.
- View the Slide of your choice for all your students at once!
3) View All Work for One Student
The Student Overview dashboard displays the student’s statistics for each assignment they’ve been assigned, including how many slides they have viewed, their grade, and any raised hand notifications. You can order the assignments by each of these categories.
To view all work for one student,
1. Click Rosters then click the roster you wish to view.
2. Click a student’s name.
3. The Student Overview dashboard opens.
4. Click the assignment name or type the name of the assignment in the Search bar to view a specific assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: This update may affect some users’ roster colors. We apologize for this inconvenience and are actively working on fixing this issue.
4) Additional Resources
Check out this blog for more information on how you might utilize these filters.
For other options when assigning the work to students, please check out the linked help center article.
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