Classkick now integrates with Clever rostering for Pro Districts!
Pro Districts can now use Clever rostering to create and sync accounts from Clever to Classkick! All Clever-synced users will be marked with a C icon next to indicate the user was Imported from Clever.
PLEASE NOTE: Clever rostering is only available for Pro Districts. For Pro Teachers and Pro Schools, students and teachers can continue to use Clever for single sign-on. Please see this help center article for more information on Clever SSO.
PLEASE NOTE: Clever rostering in Classkick is compatible with Google single sign on.
1) General Information for Clever Teachers:
When a teacher who is part of a Pro District Clever school is synced, Clever will create a roster. This means a teacher will log in and see a Clever-imported roster.
PLEASE NOTE: Teachers cannot delete or edit this roster in Classkick. If students need to be removed, added, or edited, the Admin can make the changes in Clever.
Any edits to student information (name or email address) must be done on the Clever side.
Teachers can still create non-Clever synced rosters within Classkick:
- These rosters can be deleted.
- Teachers can add Basic or Portfolio students to these rosters.
- Please see this help center article for information on how to add Portfolio students to a roster.
- Clever-synced students who are added to the roster cannot be edited in Classkick (name or email address). Any edits must be done in Clever.
- Clever-synced students can be added, removed and re-added to these rosters by the Teacher.
If a Teacher has an existing Classkick account:
- Please make sure that the email address is the exact same as the Clever email address before the Clever sync is done! Otherwise, a new Classkick account will be created.
- If this occurs, or you need support getting this done before the sync, please reach out to and our team can change the email address on your main account to match your Clever email address.
2) General Information for Clever Admin:
Admin must receive a link from their account manager in order to set up Clever rostering in Classkick.
When the sync occurs:
- Students and teachers with existing Classkick accounts will be added to the organization.
- Students and teachers without existing Classkick accounts will have accounts created for them.
- Admin accounts will not be created with the sync. Our team will manually need to add or create Admin accounts.
- If a Teacher needs to be added as an admin, please reach out to
Admin Dashboard with Clever Sync:
- Admin cannot add or remove teachers/students within Classkick. Any changes must be done on the Clever side.
- Admin cannot click on any student or teacher that was imported from Clever. If a user’s email address or name needs to be updated, the change must be done from Clever.
- Admin can click on other Admins because Admin cannot be imported with Clever.
- Admin can only Verify membership for teachers.
3) Access Classkick From the Clever App:
- Log into Clever app.
- Select the Classkick app.
Please email your Account Manager or if you have any questions about Clever Rostering for your Pro District subscription.
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