Classkick is an app and web-based instructional tool. Teachers love Classkick because it allows them to take their classroom paperless, see students working in real-time, and support students with immediate feedback. Students love Classkick because they can work at their own pace, show their thinking in diverse ways, and receive fun, engaging feedback from their peers and teachers.
For help getting started, check out our YouTube Getting Started Series.
How does Classkick work?
First, a teacher creates or uploads an assignment into Classkick. Then, the teacher assigns a roster of students. Finally, students work on this assignment, and the teacher is able to view their thinking and give live feedback!
How do other teachers use Classkick?
Check out how some teachers are using Classkick below based on their grade level and/or content area! More videos can be found HERE!
Does Classkick have a Privacy Policy I can access?
Yes! You can see our full privacy policy, FERPA Compliance, and COPPA Privacy Policy here. You can also access a Parental Consent letter to use.
Does Classkick have a Terms of Service I can access?
Yes! Here is Classkick's Terms of Service.
You can also assign our GETTING STARTED ASSIGNMENT to students too as an introduction to Classkick!
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