There are several features in Classkick that allow you to build a robust and meaningful lesson for your students.
Below is the edit assignment toolbar for teachers.
Click on each heading to learn more!
1) Add or Delete Slides
Once your assignment is created, you can always add or delete slides. Everything updates in real-time, and your students will see these updates too!
Add Slide
Delete Slide
2) NEW FEATURE: Generate Content with AI Assistance
This is a NEW feature that is being rolled out to our Pro users!
1. Click on the AI Assistance tool.
2. A sidebar will appear on the right. Type in a command.
3. Click Generate Content!
4. You can then use other assignment tools, such as fill-in-the-blank or multiple choice, to personalize the assignment to your needs!
Click here to read more about AI Assistance
3) Selector Tool
Click on links, select answers, move manipulatives, and more!
4) Pen Tool
Draw pictures, circle responses, annotate text, write math problems, and more.
5) Highlighter Tool
6) Eraser
7) Text Box
Create titles, type directions, or type in questions. Students can use text boxes to type responses.
8) Line
9) Link
Use Classkick as a home base assignment and link to other assignments or homework.
10) Camera
Upload multiple PDFs or an image to an assignment, or take a picture and upload it directly into an assignment.
11) Audio
Record the directions to help your students independently use Classkick, or upload audio to go along with your assignment.
12) Manipulative
Use manipulatives to upload images students can move. Create patterns, use counters, sorting activities, number blocks, coins, and more.
13) Fill in the blank
Create answer boxes for your students. Teachers can fill in an acceptable answer to use our auto-grading feature, or it can also be left blank and used as an answer box to accept any answer students write.
14) Multiple Choice
This is like a Scantron that can be placed directly in Classkick. Teachers can use it as an auto-grading feature by assigning a point value.
15) Background
Insert a worksheet or template as a background or change the color of your background.