Click on the headings to expand the menus for more information!
1) Get Students Started
2. Create a roster under the Roster tab.
- Please see this article on how to create a Basic (free) roster.
- Please see this article on how to create a Pro (paid) roster with Portfolio students.
3. Assign the roster to an assignment.
4. Students sign in.
Basic students sign in by typing in the 6-digit class code or clicking the class code link. Students enter their name exactly as it appears on the roster.
- Basic Students will need to use a class code each time they log in.
PLEASE NOTE: Class codes are specific to each assignment/roster combination. Please be mindful to share the correct class code to the correct roster.
Portfolio students can sign in directly to an assignment with the class code or class code link or sign in directly to their student dashboard with their email address/username and password.
- Once on your roster, Portfolio students will no longer need to use class codes to log in.
2) Generate a Class Code and Assign a Roster
On Web,
1. Click into an assignment.
2. Click Assign.
4. The Class Code appears.
On iOS,
1. Click into an assignment.
2. Click the Assign Roster drop down.
3. Click a roster.
4. The Class Code appears.
Students can always go back to an assignment even after they've exited Classkick! To go back, they must log in exactly the same way!
Please watch the video below for visual support on assigning to a roster/generating a class code:
3) Classkick Basic (Free) Accounts - Student Login
On Classkick Basic, students can re-enter their assignments by entering the class code and their name exactly as it appeared on their first log in.
For example, if a student types Andy S into the name box, they must continue to enter in Andy S. Variations like Andy S., Andy, Andrew, etc. will not allow the student to access their previous assignments. This will also create a new student on your roster.
If you want to prevent students from having multiple names on your roster, you can also check out this article on locking the roster.
Basic Student Log in Instructions:
1. In the Class Code, type in the Class Code.
2. In the Name box, type student's name
3. Click GO.
4) Classkick Pro (Paid) Portfolio Accounts - Student Login
On Classkick Pro, students log into their Portfolio accounts to view and work on assignments.
Portfolio students have access to a student dashboard of assignments (see image below).
PLEASE NOTE: Our team highly recommends using Portfolio student accounts if you have a Pro account. If you already have a roster with Basic students and would like to switch to Portfolio accounts, please see this help center article for tips on getting started with Pro.
PLEASE NOTE: When students have Portfolio (Pro) accounts, teachers can use our new Student Overview feature to see all work assigned to that student!
Portfolio Student Log in Instructions:
Have students SKIP typing in their name/class code and simply have them log in with Google, Clever, or an email/username.
1. Click LOG IN.
2. Click CONTINUE WITH GOOGLE, CONTINUE WITH CLEVER or type in Email or username and password.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want students to log into the specific assignment and not the dashboard, have students do the following:
1. In the Class Code box, type in the Class Code.
2. Click LOG IN.
3. Log into their Portfolio account.
Please watch the video below for visual instructions on how to get Pro students signed up.
Click here for a printable PDF on how to get students started!
Please see this article for written instructions for students.