Create a roster for Basic students to access assignments. Click on each heading for more information about creating Basic rosters.
1) Create a Roster
Create a roster in the Rosters tab or in an assignment to assign students work.
In Rosters,
1. Click Rosters.
2. Click +.
In an assignment,
1. Click Assign.
Check out the video below for further support on creating a Roster:
2) Add Students to a Roster
Add students to a roster using the class code or adding them manually.
To add students using a class code,
1. Have students click LOGIN > STUDENT.
2. In the Class Code box, have students type the class code for your particular assignment.
3. In the Name box, have students type their name.
4. Have students click GO.
PLEASE NOTE: Students automatically populate in a roster after they log into an assignment using the class code.
PLEASE NOTE: Basic Students will need to use a class code each time they log in.
PLEASE NOTE: Class codes are specific to each assignment/roster combination. Share the correct class code to the correct roster.
Please see this help center article for student instructions on how to log in.
To add students manually,
1. In your roster view, click + ADD STUDENTS.
2. Click Basic.
3. In the Names box, type students' names separated by commas.
PLEASE NOTE: We highly encourage you to LOCK THE ROSTER after all students have been added. This will prevent students from joining your roster with name variations.
See the video below on how to do this:
For other FAQs on rosters, make sure to check out this article!
If you have a Paid Pro Subscription, click here to create Portfolio Student accounts.
If you are a teacher or admin, click here for a printable PDF on how to create student accounts.