There are several ways to give your students real time feedback on their work.
1) Auto-Grading
Auto-grading features allow you to select acceptable answers and assign a point value. As soon as students enter an answer, the auto-grading tool will immediately score their response for you.
We currently have two options for auto-grading in Classkick: fill in the blank and multiple choice.
In a student's slide, correct answers will be shown in green, and incorrect answers will be shown in red. Total points are also shown in this view.
In the View Work tab, total points for the assignment and total points for the slide are shown.
When looking at the whole class view under View Work, you may see three colors: red, orange, or green.
If a student scored less than 60%, you will see red.
If a student scored between 60% and 80%, you will see orange.
If a student scored more than 80%, you will see green.
PLEASE NOTE: With auto-grading, you can allow students to see their answers or not by turning the Grades feature under the Assign tab on or off. See this article for more information on the Grades feature.
Please see the videos below for more support on auto-grading and feedback:
And check out the video below for a tip on grading:
2) Student Overview
Teachers now have a way to view an individual student’s entire body of work on Classkick for a smoother grading and assessment experience.
The Student Overview dashboard displays the student’s statistics for each assignment they’ve been assigned, including how many slides they have viewed, their grade, and any raised hand notifications. You can order the assignments by each of these categories.
To view all work for one student,
1. Click Rosters then click the roster you wish to view.
2. Click a student’s name.
3. The Student Overview dashboard opens.
4. Click the assignment name or type the name of the assignment in the Search bar to view a specific assignment.
PLEASE NOTE: This update may affect some users’ roster colors. We apologize for this inconvenience and are actively working on fixing this issue.
3) Canvas Tools
Use the canvas tools to provide feedback directly on student slides.
- Write on student work with the pen or text box tool.
- Use the highlighter tool to draw students' attention or annotate.
- Voice record directions or feedback to explain something to a student.
- Upload an image to provide support for visual learners.
- Provide a link to more information.
4) Stickers
Stickers are another exciting way teachers love to give feedback in Classkick!
Check out the video below for more support on how to use stickers:
You can use stickers and the sticker wand to add points and streamline your grading. Check out the article for more information on stickers.
5) Chat Feature
The chat feature allows students and teachers to chat in real time.
Teachers can provide feedback in the private chat, and students can ask questions in a 1-1 setting.
Teacher View
When students raise their hand or send a chat, you will receive a notification in the Assignments dashboard and in View Work mode.
Assignments Dashboard
On the assignments dashboard, there will be a green notification with a number next to an assignment. The number shows how many students have asked for help.
PLEASE NOTE: The notification for a raised hand and a chat is the same.
View Work Mode
In View Work mode, you will see the notification in the top right-hand corner. The number shows how many students have asked for help. This notification for a raised hand and a chat is the same.
The individual student slides will differentiate whether a student has raised their hand or sent you a chat message.
Student View
1. Students click the Raise Hand icon.
2. The Help Center window pops up.
3. Students select Please Help, Please Check, or type a private message to you in the Type message here... box.
Check out the video below for more support on how to provide feedback to students:
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